Florida Public Insurance Adjusters Forum

Welcome to the Web site for the Florida Public Insurance Adjusters Forum! This is your portal to a community of your peers, fellow Florida public insurance adjusters. Our online community consists of over 200 of the top public adjusting firms in all of Florida.  Although this forum has no relationship with the Florida Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (FAPIA), most of our forum members are also members of FAPIA and do subscribe to its code of ethics. 

This private forum was originally founded, and is still operated, by past FAPIA President, William S. Cook (Bill Cook).  The Florida Public Adjusters Forum is open only to licensed Florida Public Adjusters as well as attorneys that have shown that their primary interest is in consumer protection.  Occasionally, exceptions are made for individuals that may have certain skills that are conducive to aid or advance our industry.
Among the many topics discussed in the forum are:

Why Join the Florida Public Insurance Adjusters Forum?

This forum is an online community made up of professional public insurance adjusters serving Florida’s populace. Visit the forum regularly for camaraderie, networking, and lively discussions about topics affecting our industry. As we go about our day-to-day business, it’s important to maintain relationships with our peers. This forum allows you to connect with other public insurance adjusters, all sharing your passion for serving the people of Florida. Once accepted into this professional community, come on in and join the discussions. . .

How to Join the Florida Public Insurance Adjusters Forum

Membership applications to the Florida Public Adjusters Forum require moderator approval.  Anyone that wishes to apply for membership will need to fill out the application form located at the "Apply for Membership" tab above or merely click HERE.

